Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Media Cart to the Groin!

OK, today was embarrassing. I was looking back over my shoulder at work as I was going to take a break. Then, as I started to go around the corner that I knew was there, WHAM! I fell to the floor, curled up and holding myself. On the way down, I half caught my weight on the cart and the bucket of water that was on top of it splashed up on my shirt.

The pain from this gave me an upset stomach! Owchie! Besides which, it was just embarrassing to be on the ground like that.

After a few minutes, I was back up and at my cubicle. I was cold. The office where I work is most often cool to begin with, but being wet and in there, I was very cold. My supervisor Dan let me take a long lunch and I went home, changed shirts and got to have lunch with my wonderful wife! A nice bonus for the day.

I then went back to work. After about 3:00 pm, I started to feel considerably better.

Now, it is 11:25 pm as I write this and there is still some minor discomfort, but I am generally feeling almost like my normal self now.

1 comment:

Lara said...

That is so very yucky! I'm sorry you were embarrassed - and injured of course.